A Small Wager on the Nature of the Universe.

Since the Hubble Space telescope started sending back images of the far reaches of this universe, the purveyors and aficionados of cosmology and astronomy have had an issue. Up until that time, accepted cosmological models had the universe expanding at a decelerating rate. The only question was whether it had enough momentum to expand forever or would, eventually, grind to a halt and start to collapse. But observations from the Hubble space telescope put a monkey wrench in those models. The Hubble telescope was capable of looking farther into the universe, hence, farther back in time and showed that the early universe was expanding at a slower than expected rate. This means that the expansion of the universe is actually accelerating.

This caused the rewrite of the standard model of cosmology to allow for the unobservable (Dark) matter and energy that would be required for the observed acceleration. According to that new model, the total mass–energy of the universe contains only 4.9% ordinary, observable matter and energy and 26.8% dark matter and 68.3% dark energy.  This means everything in this Universe-the Sun, the Moon and Stars, you, your coffee table and your goldfish– are 95.1% unobservable “stuff”! You can imagine how this gives people educated in the traditional western scientific style a bit of a brain cramp. (But to the eastern mind set, maybe not so much?) This observation has given us an image of this universe that would make Obiwan and Yoda proud.

That being said, I want to place a friendly wager. I bet that when this Dark matter/energy is better understood and when the western scientific models finally wraps their heads around Qi energy, we find out they are one in the same.  I’m betting that Qi is consciousness and that the expanding Qi/ consciousness of you, me, the Sun, Moon, Stars, Coffee table and gold fish, is the unobservable energy expanding the universe.

I can’t prove it to you but I wanted to get my bet down early. (Unless you consider that the Vedas beat me to it by 3,500 years. ) 🙂

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  1. A Small Wager on the Nature of the Universe. | hypnoenergetics - August 15, 2013

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