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RelaxNow for Adults trial is underway

Stress managment, anxiety, ADS ,Asperger’sWe’ve just sent out the trial version of RelaxNow for Adults™ to our field test group. We have sent it to a variety of people, both neurotypical and neuroatypical, in three different countries. The goal is to have it trial tested by a broad range of people because we’ve been hearing reports from the parents of the children using the original program. These parents are telling us how much they get from listening to the RelaxNow program themselves. We realized there is a need for a RelaxNow program for adults, a program not just for people overcoming chronic issues, but one that can be used by anyone who needs a good tool to deal with the stresses and anxieties of life.

These things always seem to take longer than expected (at least to me), but barring any major changes I expect RelaxNow for Adults to be ready for wide release in the next few months.

 Wes Graham Co-Founder of RelaxNow


What is RelaxNow?

RelaxNow LogoSheila and I recently spent 2 days at the Families for Effective Autism Treatment (F.E.A.T.) conference in Dallas answering questions and having great conversations with therapists, educators and parents all striving toward the goal of doing good for these amazing kids. After this experience, I believe I’ve come up with a more understandable answer to the two most common questions we get: What is RelaxNow and how does it work?

What is RelaxNow?

RelaxNow is fundamentally “brain training.” A major league baseball pitcher doesn’t have to “think” about how to throw a fastball. These professional athletes develop “muscle memory” until that action becomes an unconscious habit. RelaxNow is a short, easily downloadable audio program designed to create what could be called “Mental Muscle Memory” in that it teaches a mind how to self-regulate its response to stress, anxiety or unwanted emotional levels.

How does it work?

RelaxNow works on multiple levels. On the surface it is a pleasant easy-to-listen-to program, similar to a guided meditation or self-hypnosis recording that is familiar to most people. Anyone who has attended a yoga class or studied martial arts will recognize this portion of the program. While the surface layers of the program generate in the user a relaxed, calm and focused state of mind, below the surface the program contains sounds, tones and subliminal vocal tracks to develop a memory trigger. Once the user is in this calm and focused mental state, we use techniques to establish and attach the memory trigger.

When the mental trigger is used by the RelaxNow user or for the user, it lets them recall that relaxed, calm and focused state of mind and use it to regulate their current circumstance.

For more info go to our website

Autism, ADD, ASD, spectrum


New programs from RelaxNow

RelaxNow Logo



Very excited. RelaxNow will be an exhibitor at the FEAT DFW Autism  Conference February 4th & 5th. We will be premiering our new RelaxNow for Older Children and RelaxNow Atmospheres programs at this event.

RelaxNow for older children and Adults

RelaxNow LogoI’ve just finished the recording and the first mix downs of the new version of RelaxNow . This version is slightly longer the original and geared more for older children and adults.

I have also have taken some of the natural sounds of the RelaxNow programs and created, what we’re calling for now, Ambient background tracks. These are designed to be played softly in the background to help with sleep or just to unwind. These peaceful sounds can be relaxing for anyone but for someone who has regularly used the RelaxNow program they should be doubly effective.

We now start the testing and editing process. With luck these new recordings will be available in a few week (hopefully) or a few months (if past is prolog.) 🙂

Wes Graham C.C.Ht.

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RelaxNow is finely here!

RelaxNow LogoAfter long development RelaxNow is available to the public. 

RelaxNow is a simple downloadable, easy-to-use, yet revolutionary therapy tool designed for use by parents, educators and therapists who work with children with spectrum disorders, sensory integration disorder, processing and language delays. It is ideal for children who struggle with controlling the highs and lows of their energy and emotional levels.

RelaxNow puts the control of behavior directly in the hands of the child. It works by using a combination of soothing sounds (either rain or the ocean) and a soft, calming male voice that instructs the child to relax both mind and body throughout the exercise, while in this state, the brain opens itself up to suggestion. The suggestion presented in during the exercise is the phrase: Relax Now. When this phrase is used outside of the RelaxNow therapy itself, the child’s mind recalls the state of relaxation and calm present during the exercise, and can instantly bring emotions in line with desired levels of behavior.

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