Archive | September 2013

A New Age Heresy for the Modern World


The other day I was doing a walking meditation. For those of you who are not familiar, I basically put myself in a meditative state, opened my awareness to all the Qi energies surrounding me and then take a long slow walk, trying to interact with as much of the life energy around me as possible.

Now, I live in Texas and it is still very much summer here, so of course the temperature was on the high side of 100 degrees. I’ve develop a mental trick for dealing with the heat, instead of fighting against it, I envision myself being solar powered. I just accept the sun’s heat and mentally pull its Qi energy through my skin, into my body, into my core and down to power my legs.

That’s not as odd as it first sounds, when you accept the fact that inanimate objects have their own Qi energy signature, then our old friend Sol has the largest Qi signature in our little corner of the galaxy. (Note: Please use common sense when doing this. We live in physical bodies and in a physical world and you can exceed said bodies’ capabilities and injure yourself.)

I was doing my walk along a nature trail that winds through the center of my suburban neighborhood. Along the way, I kept getting distracted by the sound of traffic when I came close to major streets. This got me thinking; just as the sun’s heat and radiation can be changed from a negative to a positive, could I do the same with the traffic noise? As I continued walking I let my mind ponder the sounds of traffic and its creation by the car’s engine and its motion down the street.

Many people meditate while focusing on a lit candle. Everything that makes up the candle comes from the Earth. The flame is taking wax, either processed in the bodies of bees or refined from ancient plants and dinosaur bones, and changing it to heat and light energy. That transition has a Qi signature that we feel when focusing our attention on the flame.

Now, I’m making no judgments on the role of the automobile in modern society, pollution etc., but cars are a currently inescapable part of modern life. This may be New Age heresy, but think of it this way: everything a car is comes from the earth (no Martian car parts) and its engine is taking ancient plants and dinosaur bones and changing them into heat, light, motion and sound energy. Does that not also produce a Qi signature?

Unless you’re lucky enough to live on a mountaintop, this “mechanized” energy is going to be present in your life. So, like the sun’s energy, can this be used (energetically) in a positive way? I began to take in the energies of the traffic and it at least seems to work. I know, one experiment does not prove anything, but I intend to look into this further. I wouldn’t be surprised if I ended up meditating on a freeway overpass soon, just to try it out.

I’d love to hear others’ take on this.

Wes Graham C.C.Ht.

PS below is a short clip I recorded near my home.

Slings and Arrows of Outrageous Fortune

We are all damaged in some way, but that’s okay. Have you ever met someone who has never taken any damage? A person, who has never suffered adversity, has never had to deal with the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” is probably the dullest person in the world. That doesn’t mean it’s not proper for us to repair our damage, but we should never be ashamed of our scars. Who we are, our character, is the sum total of our accumulated scar tissue.

Change: your mind, your energy, your body, your life

“We are stardust, we are golden, we are billion year old carbon”-Joni Mitchell

In a very real sense there is nobody on earth who is more than 15 years old. To be more precise there is NO BODY on earth that is more than 15 years old even though every single “thing” we are has existed since the creation of the universe.
The carbon atoms that we base our bodies on are just passing through us on their long journey from their formation in the heart of a supernova to their end at the heat-death of the universe. We’re just borrowing them for a microscopically brief time.

We are what we eat.

We are literally made of what we eat, drink and breathe. The cells of our bodies continually exchanged with the world around us and eventually with the universe as a whole. Some cells, like those in our digestive system, may only live 4 or 5 days while your skin may be 2 or 3 weeks old. There is not a drop of your blood older than 4 months and your liver is less than a year. Your bones top out the list at 10 to 15 years, and even though our neurons do not replicate at the cellular level, they do exchange on the atomic scale and are probably younger than our bones. So, why are scars permanent? Why do we grow old, grow sick and die?
Three years ago I had an operation that left a large scar. I know that there is not a single molecule of that original scar tissue left, yet the scar is still there, why? The answer is consciousness and memory. Every single cell in our body is a self-contained organism with its own, albeit, rudimentary, energy, consciousness and memory. While a cell in the undisturbed skin right next to the scar has identical DNA, the cell contained within the scar “knows” to reproduce a scar cell. More than that, since skin sloughs off from above and reproduces from basal cells in a deeper layer of the skin, that scar cell must communicate the information to another cell below it, telling it that it must reproduce as scar tissue.

“Where the mind goes”

Memory, communication, consciousness and energy—to me that equals “mind” and since “where the mind goes, the energy flows” to me that equals scar tissue, cancer cells, tumors or healthy vibrant cells.
Just believe you’re getting healthier and you will. It’s a concept so utterly simple that, of course, our conscious, rational minds make it damn near impossible. The universe may live in the quantum light of Einstein and Hawking, but we (our physical bodies) mostly live our lives in the universe of Sir Isaac Newton. If you fall down you go boom, if you cut yourself you get a scar, and if something doesn’t kill you first, you grow old and die anyway. For a way around some of this, at least a way to optimize our health and energy balance beyond what can be delivered by scalpel and pill, the west must look east.
As I mentioned in one of my first postings, it has been shown that you can “think” away a wart. Our mental energy can compel a wart cell to reproduce as a healthy skin cell even though a wart cell has a virus actively “telling” it to reproduce as a wart cell, so why not other “bad” cell structures?
It might not be easy, but the humble wart shows us that the greater energies of our unconscious mind can and do influence the individual consciousness and energies of our component cells. This concept has been suspected and believed in eastern cultures since there have been eastern cultures, but even there, only rarely is it actualized. So, for us not raised with it, it may take a bit of practice.
We are basically figments of our own imagination. If we can change our minds we can change our energy. If we can change our energy we can change our bodies and change our lives.
Wes Graham C.C.Ht.

Stress Relief Tool

Pan Hilo

I put together a quick recording of a fractional relaxation. This is typically used as an induction to a longer hypnosis session but I find it’s also a wonderful standalone tool for general stress relief.  Please feel free to download and enjoy.

(Right click below and Save Target As)