Archive | February 2016

What is RelaxNow?

RelaxNow LogoSheila and I recently spent 2 days at the Families for Effective Autism Treatment (F.E.A.T.) conference in Dallas answering questions and having great conversations with therapists, educators and parents all striving toward the goal of doing good for these amazing kids. After this experience, I believe I’ve come up with a more understandable answer to the two most common questions we get: What is RelaxNow and how does it work?

What is RelaxNow?

RelaxNow is fundamentally “brain training.” A major league baseball pitcher doesn’t have to “think” about how to throw a fastball. These professional athletes develop “muscle memory” until that action becomes an unconscious habit. RelaxNow is a short, easily downloadable audio program designed to create what could be called “Mental Muscle Memory” in that it teaches a mind how to self-regulate its response to stress, anxiety or unwanted emotional levels.

How does it work?

RelaxNow works on multiple levels. On the surface it is a pleasant easy-to-listen-to program, similar to a guided meditation or self-hypnosis recording that is familiar to most people. Anyone who has attended a yoga class or studied martial arts will recognize this portion of the program. While the surface layers of the program generate in the user a relaxed, calm and focused state of mind, below the surface the program contains sounds, tones and subliminal vocal tracks to develop a memory trigger. Once the user is in this calm and focused mental state, we use techniques to establish and attach the memory trigger.

When the mental trigger is used by the RelaxNow user or for the user, it lets them recall that relaxed, calm and focused state of mind and use it to regulate their current circumstance.

For more info go to our website

Autism, ADD, ASD, spectrum